Dealer Management Systems Antitrust Litigation

Did you purchase Dealer Management System Services or Data Integration Services from CDK Global LLC or The Reynolds or Reynolds Company between September 1, 2013 and August 15, 2024?

Both direct purchases and indirect purchases may be eligible.

Settlement Total
Settlement Total
Eligible Purchase Dates
9/1/13 - through 8/15/24
Eligible Purchase Dates



Background Information

Dealership Plaintiffs have alleged that CDK Global, LLC and The Reynolds and Reynolds Company conspired to eliminate competition for auto dealer data integration services and as a result wrongfully seized control over dealer owned data. Specifically, they allege that CDK and Reynolds placed artificial and anticompetitive restrictions on dealer data in order to maintain their dominance over the Dealer Management Systems ("DMS") market, favor their own products and services, unfairly raise prices and obtain profits above levels that would exist in a competitive market and injure competing products and services to the detriment of automobile dealerships and retailers. Plaintiffs are seeking damages against CDK and Reynolds, to enjoin their alleged illegal conduct, and stave off further harm to vendors, dealers, and other participants in the automotive industry.

Settlement Information

Filing Deadline: January 9, 2025

Proposed Eligible Nationwide Class and Class Period+

All persons and entities located in the United States engaged in the business of the retail sale of automobiles who purchased DMS from CDK and/or Reynolds, or any predecessor, successor, subsidiary, joint venture or affiliate, during the period from September 1, 2013 through August 15, 2024 (“Class Period”).

Excluded from the Dealership Class are Defendants, including any entity or division in which any Defendant has a controlling interest, as well as Defendants’ joint ventures, subsidiaries, affiliates, assigns, and successors


  • CDK Global LLC 
  • The Reynolds and Reynolds Company


$29,500,000 - The Reynolds and Reynolds Co. has reached a settlement agreement but it is yet to be approved by the court- the applicable period for qualifying purchases would be September 1, 2013 through August 15, 2024 if the settlement agreement and proposed class certification are approved.

$100,000,000 - CDK Global LLC  has reached a settlement agreement but it is yet to be approved by the court- the applicable period for qualifying purchases would be September 1, 2013 through August 15, 2024 if the settlement agreement and proposed class certification are approved.


Claim forms are not yet available from a Class Administrator. When claim forms do become available, class members are not required to sign up with any third-party service in order to participate in the monetary relief, buy may instead file their claim directly with the Class Administrator. No-cost assistance will be available from the Class Administrator and Class Counsel during the claims-filing period. For additional information, class members may visit the official court approved website for this case when available.


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